Help with Arkona System in Fixed Ops

Help with Arkona System in Fixed Ops

Postby tcollins » Wed Dec 05, 2007 9:33 am

I'm with Tonyo, I recently talked to Rod about an issue that I was assured was fixed only to get a call from a third party telling me that Arkona doesn't have the capability. This has happened countless times to me in the last year. Then when I tried to reach Rod again he mysteriously disappeared. Nice customer service Rod! Get your stories right the first time and save us both the headache.

Help with Arkona System in Fixed Ops

Postby deboss » Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:28 pm

My DMS provider is not perfect - none are. With that said I am astonished at how much dissatisfaction there is within this post. If I was this unhappy with my DMS vendor I would have taken some concrete action up to and including switching Vendors. In order to survive in today's automotive world we have had to become extremly customer oriented (as it should be). Apparently some DMS vendors do not need to be customer oriented. In this case they are not only surviving but apparently thriving. Guess old Abe was right you can fool some of the people all the time and all the people some of the time. One of the most powerful tools with any vendor (DMS or otherwise) is your check book. Another - What if your Vendors potential new customers saw your post?

[This message has been edited by deboss (edited 12-05-2007).]


Help with Arkona System in Fixed Ops

Postby tonyo » Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:27 pm

deboss, here's the deal....Arkona is actually a decent system, it works. As with any system it tends to need adjustments at times. When you bring these items up with them they listen but it just seems there are too many irons in the fire for them to react timely. I believe they truly care about their customer but by the same token I believe they're being pulled in so many different directions that they don't know which way to go.
A perfect example, rmerril1, Arkonas fixed op product manager wrote earlier in this post:
I am the Fixed Operation Product Manger for Arkona. I would be glad to set up a meeting or a call with you and any other users to talk about the problems and any enhancement needed. I talked to you about two months ago and ask for a list but you never sent it to me. I will setup a conference call for Thursday for any user who wish to talk.
I will post the time on Monday afternoon.

Guess what? Monday came and went and nothing was posted about a time for this conference call. The good intention was there at the time but it just didn't materialize. This is what bothers me about this DMS, not their product but their customer service.

Help with Arkona System in Fixed Ops

Postby rmerrill1 » Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:48 pm

Sorry for not posting a time for Thursday yet. Here is the time 10 am Mountain. If everyone will send me a email that is interested I will give you the call in number.

Help with Arkona System in Fixed Ops

Postby BobSilcox » Thu Dec 06, 2007 11:18 pm

Rod Arkona Fixed Ops.

I believe that the call today would have been great If there had been more Folks on the call I believe that there is a need for a Forum and I understand that Arkona had one but no one used it. Maybe you guys should start it back up and lets see If we can get it going and maybe your DeBoss's would pay attention to what's going on in the Forum. What was handled today and the info supplied was good I just hope that it happens in a timely manner. I had a long talk with the Ford Zone Managers this evening and they would like to set up a conference call with the Ford Region, eReact, DMI, OeConnect to see If we can get all the issues cleared up once and for all and keep them fixed. Rod, let me know If that workd for you??
Thanks again for the call today I still believe it would have been better with more people.

Bob Silcox

Help with Arkona System in Fixed Ops

Postby rmerrill1 » Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:26 am

I wish there would of been more too, but I cant force people to join the call.

[This message has been edited by rmerrill1 (edited 12-10-2007).]


Help with Arkona System in Fixed Ops

Postby tonyo » Mon Dec 10, 2007 8:48 am

Rod, I appreciate the effort. I for one was one of the people asking for the conference call and naturally I was one who didn't show up. My situation calls for me to cover for my people at lunch time and 12:00 noon just didn't work here. Again, I apologize for not joining but it wasn't for lack of interest.

Help with Arkona System in Fixed Ops

Postby tcollins » Sat Dec 15, 2007 10:05 am

In fairness to Rod and Arkona, in the above situation, I have found that it was not "entirely" Arkona's fault. There was some miscommunication on the part of the third party. I truly believe that it could have been avoided or minimized had I had proper communication from both sides. I acted on what I had. That being said, here is my rant.

I don't want to use this forum as a means of communication with Arkona or as my effort to fix Arkona and I don't want to participate in conference calls to help you or anyone else fix their problems.
I'm not selfish or self-centered, I simply don't have time, period and would prefer to use my time to fix my problems and drive my sales because that is what they pay me for. Believe me, I have plenty to work on and ask that very question daily. What I do want is to be able to make ONE phone call, get ONE correct answer or ONE correct timeframe or ONE returned phone call when I'm promised. Whatever it takes to solve my problem so I can go back to doing my job. I expect the same from my employees, my vendors as well as my dealership. Tell my what your going to do, tell me when your going to do it, maybe even tell me how your going to do it if you think its important but most importantly DO IT.
Will I participate in forums, conference calls and meetings, you bet if it helps me with my job or helps my employee do theirs. Will I continue to post, however mad you get at me, you bet, if it is the only way I can communicate effectively and efficiently or get the things done that allow me to do my job.

Help with Arkona System in Fixed Ops

Postby DealerProfit » Sat Dec 15, 2007 11:10 pm

are we related??


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