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Start BDC with Sales or Service?
Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:31 pm
by Jim Steele
Would it make more sense to get the BDC off the ground by working with service department customers instead of sales? We would be working with customers who already have a relationship with the dealership. Appointment show rates should improve along with sales and make the cost of the BDC easier to justify.
Start BDC with Sales or Service?
Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:11 pm
by Karen Ann
Good thought.
Booking sales appointments is probably more rewarding for the BDC though. Have you ever heard a Service Advisor say "Thanks for that appointment".
Try BDC calls & appointment setting for guests that didn't purchase warranty or pre paid maintenance (or either are expiring) if you'd like them to nurture current relationships.
Start BDC with Sales or Service?
Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:20 pm
by JoniS
In many ways, the service aspect is much "easier" to tackle then the sales portion. However, I dont believe you are ever working to your potential... if you focus solely on one side.
In other words -- take the service as a main focus; however part of the reps responsibility must be to also generate selling opportunities. If not, they are working with "blinders on"
let me know if this isnt clear; or more importantly... let's dialogue more on this!!!
Start BDC with Sales or Service?
Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:23 pm
by JoniS
Its very important that we all keep a focus on both sales and service... ever step of the way.
We need our BDC team to be focused on
by that I mean.
Go back to your past months sold customers... find out who are all the drivers in the household and how to reach them.. then contact each one.
Offer a greatly reduced "oil change special" for being a household member of a recent purchase.
Then find out "down the road" what the may want to buy; and..... WHO DO THEY KNOW, that may need our assistance now for sales or service.
.... In other words
its not a "sales or service approach"
its an effective combined effort!!!
Start BDC with Sales or Service?
Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:23 pm
by JoniS
Its very important that we all keep a focus on both sales and service... ever step of the way.
We need our BDC team to be focused on
by that I mean.
Go back to your past months sold customers... find out who are all the drivers in the household and how to reach them.. then contact each one.
Offer a greatly reduced "oil change special" for being a household member of a recent purchase.
Then find out "down the road" what the may want to buy; and..... WHO DO THEY KNOW, that may need our assistance now for sales or service.
.... In other words
its not a "sales or service approach"
its an effective combined effort!!!
Start BDC with Sales or Service?
Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:18 am
by JustBob
The purpose of a BDC is not to accumulate thanks. It is to contribute to the bottom line of the dealership. Develop a method of tracking the Gross Profit on the business you generate. This information well presented to management will go much farther then a thank you.
Have a tremendous day
Bob Britting
Start BDC with Sales or Service?
Sun Jan 27, 2013 7:12 pm
by JoniS
Obviously, not the "objective"
But it doesnt hurt along the way!
A strongly created BDC is 110% about generating revenue!
that is why 30-40% of every sold appt is referral based or self generated -
do you have a BDC now?