Which DMS do you recommend?

Re: Which DMS do you recommend?

Postby empty » Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:03 pm

I will recommend PBS Systems, good DMS and cheap if you compare them to RR, ADP and very user friendly
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Re: Which DMS do you recommend?

Postby Andrew03 » Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:45 am

Working on ERP and DMS projects with databases.
Linking both the databases by calling the DMS project from ERP project.
The modifications which we did in ERP will affect the DMS project.
We will run the ERP by uploading files and these files will be saved in the DMS folder.
this is a json web services to do.yes.
how to do .
please help me .
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Re: Which DMS do you recommend?

Postby Mike Nicholes » Thu Aug 18, 2016 3:09 pm

You ought to have the top 4-5 come in and make their pitch. Watch the 'terms of service' carefully. Make them put, in writing, what service, both on-site and phone really means. Make them put, in writing, a schedule of the formal training of your employees on your site and follow up training in case you replace one of your managers. Have your own counsel look at thier lease agreements. a couple of the larger DMS systems have some bombs buried in the lease agreements that are not in your favor. Have them put in writing, that all documents, records, transactions and customer data will be returned to you off their servers in case of a future change. Let me know at miknik@aol.com if you have more questions that might not be "appropriate" for a public dialogue.
Mike Nichole
Mike Nicholes
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Re: Which DMS do you recommend?

Postby Billyv » Mon Aug 28, 2023 6:45 pm

I wanted to bring up this thread again, as the last post was a long time ago, and the DMS market has changed MUCH since 2014.

We are currently on CDK Drive, came from CDK Dash, but it was sunsetted, they pushed us to CDK Flex, but it wasn't ready, and now we are on CDK Drive. Due to CDK Drive being so outdated and hard to train new people on, we are heavily entertaining switching.

My current runner ups are Dominion Vue, PBS DMS, and Tekion. I am spending a lot of time learning about each and how it would fit, but didn't know if anyone wanted to pipe in and express good or bad experiences. Every dealer has such different needs, so that is why we all take certain information with a grain of salt. I just discovered this forum today, and if it is truly active like the data is showing me, I plan to participate frequently to help others and ask for help.
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Re: Which DMS do you recommend?

Postby Denise Trimble » Sat Sep 02, 2023 3:36 pm

I've been at dealers who've switched from R&R or ADP to Auto Soft or Auto Mate. They all did it for the cost effectiveness. Both are more basic in their functionality, but all these dealers are small to middle sized; and one has a fuel station! Most recently, this dealer changed from R&R to Auto Soft. Our installer team was not fantastic, in fact the office trainer had nearly zero experience and has since left the company. We have been on it two years now, and little nuances some up, like any other, but our goal was to have a system that is not bleeding us dry with ridiculous fees for the last 30-40 years. We are saving two-thirds the expense and while it is extremely bare-bones, it does all we need to do.
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