Intranet Sites for Dealers

Intranet Sites for Dealers

Postby UniVerse » Thu Sep 21, 2006 1:00 am

Most every dealer has a website for public viewing as a way to generate leads, and maintain a web exposure. As the "www" becomes more prevelant as a means for car shoppers to find deals a large focus is spent on publicly accessable websites.

I would like some feedback from contemporarys on the effectiveness of a "website" or intranet portal for the dealership employees to use.

We have solved many issues with the use of a dealership internal website to share information betweeen departments. For example "Due Bills" or Promisary notes... Finance authors due bills on every customer and service or parts is expected to fulfill the promised item; which means a paper based system would have to include a paper trail. We publish all due-bills on the internal website and it has solved many issues. Another example is invioces.

Do other dealers use a solution like this? If so who sold it to you ? i know the major captives (R&R or APD) have no such solution.


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