So I have special connections and a load of information that I am more than welcome to share with everyone on how DPAC works. Just ask, and I will answer if I can.
Just a friendly reminder though...
If you pick up a SPRINT, commit and go check you physically have it before you confirm. Make sure you have it please! If you end up not having it, then well let it expire or cancel it. If you commit and confirm then later that day find out you don't have it, call DPAC. DO NOT WAIT TILL THE NEXT DAY!
I knwo I know, you don't like it or you think it isn't user friendly (it is, some of you are just too lazy to actually put forth the effort to learn how to use it), stop placing orders in other things other than PWB+. Believe it or not, your 3rd party software, is causing a lot of your issues. Stop it. Do better. Just take some time and get to know PWB+. It is a lot easier to handle than you think. Just put forth the effort and try.
Retrofit parts are stupid simple. Check that the VIN has an open recall on it and that it matches the bulletin you are ordering the part from. When you place the order, put the full VIN in the line notes (the box to the right of the part number on the order form)and if the bulletin says it needs a SPAC, add a SPAC the same day you place the order. If there is stock, no need for a SPAC. If it is a reorder, DMA. Not DPAC, DMA. DPAC regardless of what a few say, can't do anything. If it cancels and you did the above two steps and it isn't a reorder, save yourself some time and go to your DMA. When you place the order, no matter what, it goes on backorder to be reviewed manually to confirm it can be ordered for that VIN so don't panic, your order is fine unless it says cancelled or something.
You have to SPRINT the part that is on the SPAC. Not the old one, the acutal number.
If your part number is superceded by another, 9/10 you can't order it. If it has a PCN of 1 or 2, nope can't be ordered. It sucks, but it is what it is.
Get to know review codes. Those are your best friend. They are seen on PWB+ under the overview box when you search a specific part number and they are labeled as National Review Code (NRC). PWB+ is honestly the most up to date information we got whether you like it or not. I will put which review codes are not sprintable in a lower comment.
Review 1 means you have to do something special with it such as adding teh VIN to the line notes, VIN and CRN, or key code or something. If you don't know, ask DPAC. They will tell you. You cannot sprint these at all, ever. You can add a SPAC as long as it qualifies normally.
Review 2 means you have to order CSO3 when there is stock. Yes you and DPAC can add a SPAC to these typically.
3 means you have to order it from an ESC. If you or DPAC order it, it will cancel. No other options.
4 means there is limited stock and you can add a SPAC.
5 means quality concern, go to Partech. Don't bother with DPAC.
7 means there is a limited amount available so if you order ACDelco, it will cancel but others should be fine.
8 means it is in review by TAC so don't bother ordering or getting DPAC to order. Just call PQC.
9 another quality issue, Partech.
12 means you just need to add a SPAC.
14 this one is kind of not important. It says to contact CAC but don't. That is for customers only. Just add a SPAC case if there is no stock and move on.
B is something that is on regular parts and there is nothign to worry about, just order your part
C means you can't order it if you're in Oregon. Everywhere else is fine
E means TAC only. Period.
F if there is stock, order CSO3. If not, save yourself some time and call DPAC or chat with them and have them do it. They have magic that they can do that actually works on these.
H can only be ordered on PWB+ by us or our DMA as DRO. (PS Side note, do not call DPAC about ordering DRO orders, stop it)
p another parts alert one, just different type
X cannnot be ordered by international dealers
What qualifies to add a SPAC? You cannot add a SPAC to a part that is ordered anything other than CSO. That is it. If there is stock anywhere, no SPAC. If you look and see it at facility 088 you are good but if it backordered to a facility, you probably can depending on the situation. If it is a high perforamnce part, chemical order, or accessory you cannot add a SPAC.
What qualifies for a SPRINT? You can see if a part is SPRINTable on PWB+ under the indicators section. Seriously, that site should be your go to for almost anything.
Y means it is sprintable and can be sent out express direct as long as the part isn't shopping in the system. This goes out twice. Once when you create the case and once the next business day at 11am EST.
L means local only and cannot be sent out express direct outside of shopping times. It can only be sprinted if it is picked up during its one time shopping cycle that it goes into when you create the SPAC.
Hazardous parts (check PWB+ under indicators where it says "Hazmat Code"
Girth of part is 131-164 (blame FedEx for this, not DPAC or GM)
Any of the dimensions are 70 inches+ (Also blame FedEx and this isn't an official rule it is more or less if your local FedEx wants to be nice)
High Damage Parts
N means you can't sprint it. Also cannot go out express direct.
Isuzu Parts
RIM Orders
Restricted Parts (check under indicators in PWB+ where it says "Substance of Concern". If it says Y for you then you can't even order it. We can't see if it is in general a Substance of concern).
Review Codes 1 2 3 5 8 or E
Ship Direct Parts
If you are ordering a part for the first time, check the part information page on PWB+ before you do anything. Save yourself an hour of extra work by taking the extra 5 minutes to do this before you just go all ham and order a bunch of parts.
Also, stop ordering parts CSO if you are getting them for stock. That is the biggest reason a lot of your parts aren't coming when you got a customer in your shop. Becuase other dealers are ordering them as CSO when they are just ordering them for stock.
That is all I got for now. If you have a question about anything specific just ask. I am more than happy to help.