Postby TSHIRTSALESMAN » Mon Dec 02, 2024 3:34 pm

Hi all, new PM here (about 120 days), but been with the dealer for about 2 years. Old PM retired but was here many years and basically had the authority to do as he pleased. Since taking over, I've increased our retail branded merchandise like t-shirts, hats, etc. to try to just add a few hundred per month in gross. The P&S Director demands that I work the front counter every day, (you have to walk through the warehouse partially to get to the room with back counter, so I will often see my team (4 guys) for <1hr per day. and when I tried to explain to him there was no way that I could effectively manage the department from the front counter, he fought me on it and basically told me to figure it out if I wanted to stay in the position, and "that's how all the other dealers in town are, their PM manages from the front counter" (not true at all btw, I've been to many of the dealers in town). I went to the GM about this issue, and he essentially said that I was new to the position, and "maybe he (P&SD) knows something we don't". This has been going on for about 75 days now, and I just had my physical inventory yesterday, and unsurprisingly, it had a large number of variants. We're having a meeting in a few hours to discuss the inventory outcome with our comptroller and again when the GM gets back in town.

So I'm asking you all, how many of you *actually* work from the front counter, and those of you that do, what's your team size/store volume?

Also if you have any advice on how to handle this situation I'm all ears.

EDIT: To clarify this a little bit more, I didn't mean I am forced to go up to the counter when the bell rings to assist customers, etc. I don't mind that part at all, and even enjoy it. The issue is I was told to remain sitting at the counter, even with a daily walk-in volume of only about 5-10 people, 70%-80% of which are just looking for service anyway.
Last edited by TSHIRTSALESMAN on Tue Dec 03, 2024 12:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby jaybird62 » Mon Dec 02, 2024 5:01 pm

90% of my day is on the front counter... i have an office, but right now my warranty clerk is in it, which is not ideal.

there is me and one other guy. so far this year, we are at 2.8 million in sales.. we need another guy, but have no where to put another person.. we are a gm store.
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Postby last8please » Mon Dec 02, 2024 5:19 pm

the only time i am at the counter is when our lunch rotation shorts us. Of my team of 5, 2 of them are the priority counter guys when the bell rings. we dropped our proshop years ago and our counter is only about 30-40k a month.
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Postby PartsPlant81 » Mon Dec 02, 2024 9:56 pm

My office is and has always been connected to the front retail counter.
Been in this current position going on 13 years at a GM dealership.

I currently have 2 full time counter people (looking to add another part-time person for counter) and we have 4 different drivers rotating through the week that help with a bunch of menial tasks etc.

I have a routine I go through daily that makes sure my inventory is extremely accurate. (Have always had less than a 1% variance on a $200K+ inventory.

If you are able to manage your time properly and know how to use your personnel to help you with tedious tasks it should not be a huge issue to work the retail counter unless it is constantly filled with customers, the entire time you are there.

Feel free to PM with any questions.
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Postby GM prts mgr. » Tue Dec 03, 2024 11:53 am

23 personnel all spread out over 3 locations.
14 countermen, 2 order clerks, 1 warranty scrapper/core return, 1 just in charge of staging and pulling body shop orders, and 5 drivers.
I have 2 offices and only really cover on any of the counters if we are very shorthanded due to vacations and illness combined.
I do enjoy it when I do get a chance to work the with techs or the public but it is rare.
GM prts mgr.
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Postby smoyer » Tue Dec 03, 2024 2:03 pm

TSHIRTSALESMAN wrote:Hi all, new PM here (about 120 days), but been with the dealer for about 2 years. Old PM retired but was here many years and basically had the authority to do as he pleased. Since taking over, I've increased our retail branded merchandise like t-shirts, hats, etc. to try to just add a few hundred per month in gross. The P&S Director demands that I work the front counter every day, (you have to walk through the warehouse partially to get to the room with back counter, so I will often see my team (4 guys) for <1hr per day. and when I tried to explain to him there was no way that I could effectively manage the department from the front counter, he fought me on it and basically told me to figure it out if I wanted to stay in the position, and "that's how all the other dealers in town are, their PM manages from the front counter" (not true at all btw, I've been to many of the dealers in town). I went to the GM about this issue, and he essentially said that I was new to the position, and "maybe he (P&SD) knows something we don't". This has been going on for about 75 days now, and I just had my physical inventory yesterday, and unsurprisingly, it had a large number of variants. We're having a meeting in a few hours to discuss the inventory outcome with our comptroller and again when the GM gets back in town.

So I'm asking you all, how many of you *actually* work from the front counter, and those of you that do, what's your team size/store volume?

Also if you have any advice on how to handle this situation I'm all ears.

EDIT: To clarify this a little bit more, I didn't mean I am forced to go up to the counter when the bell rings to assist customers, etc. I don't mind that part at all, and even enjoy it. The issue is I was told to remain sitting at the counter, even with a daily walk-in volume of only about 5-10 people, 70%-80% of which are just looking for service anyway.

my response did you hire a counter person or a manager? I help out when ever needed but I don't sit at the retail counter waiting for the stray to wonder in, I have better things to do with my time
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Postby FixedManager » Wed Dec 04, 2024 12:37 pm

While I agree that working the counters is a nice break from a Parts Managers' job, the job is to drive business. This cannot be done from the counter or spending all day in your office. I spend an average of 1.5 hours in my office, 45 minutes in meetings, 1 hour with administrative duties, 1.5 hours in customer areas, and the remaining time in business development. While you can run a department from the counter, your business will suffer and if you are lucky will only stagnate. Good luck with that.
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