Order canceled due to 'New RIM Stocking Policy'

Order canceled due to 'New RIM Stocking Policy'

Postby jdpetey » Thu Jan 09, 2025 2:55 am

Seeking opinions on what appears an issue to me.

In the past year or so, I have seen cancellations of backordered RIM parts that AFTER the order had been placed, RIM recalculations have reduced the SPQ to a lower number or to ‘0’.

And, of course, I know there has, to some degree, been cancellations of ‘old’ backorders.

We had one sale in October and November on transmitter 13522904. The part was an A Strata and recommended and approved. An order was placed on 11/19/24. While on backorder, a supersession occurred. New number 13547803 became the new number. I added the new number to our CDK system and input the PNC. The new number now showed on backorder. I also ‘dealer included’ the 13547803 in RIM and then removed the ‘inclusion’ so that RIM would tie the numbers together. I approved the new SPQ of ‘1’ on 12/4/24 which became a C Strata part.

While on backorder, on 12/23/24, a Tuesday, RIM reduced the SPQ to ‘0’ on both the 13522904 and 13547803. Then on December 31 we received an answerback that the backorder for the new number had canceled because of ‘new RIM stocking policy’.

While I understand the phase-in/phase-out process, the cancellation, in my opinion, is distorting the ‘natural’ sales HISTORY of these parts. Sure, I haven’t had a sale in x amount of days, but it’s not because there is no DEMAND. It’s more the fact that there’s no SUPPLY. If the order would have shipped, we may have had another opportunity to sell the part.

It is my contention that somewhere along the line of all the supply chain problems, someone at GM must have thought up a way to purge backorders that are RIM orders in which the SPQ’s have been lowered or reduced to ‘0’ in an effort to move CSO orders further up on the backorder list. There has to be as reason as I can’t recall GM ever ‘not wanting’ to sell more parts. IDK

It is my understanding that when a part is initially entered into the RIM side of things, the part is assigned a State Code 09 status, which would be the equivalent of a ‘NS’ status in CDK. And from past discussions with RIM these parts are to be retained in the ‘RIM System’ for a minimum ‘evaluation period’ of 18 months before becoming a State Code 08.

When adding parts through ‘dealer inclusion’, they are assigned a State Code 06 until enough sales warrant a recommendation for a RIM generated SPQ.

It is my belief that this process is distorting the sales patterns of these parts.

Yeah, great, the part went to a State Code 04 and is now being phased out even though we had two sales in the last 3 months and we don’t have any OH, so that’s great. Wrong.

These parts should be allowed to process as a ‘NORMAL’ and be phased-out based on the LAST SALE DATE meeting the 13-15 month range.

We are having newer numbers not being ‘monitored’ for the appropriate time frames.

A few years ago, I had an alternator that was ordered in sold in November that was deleted at the end of the following January, deleting all the sales data.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated as I have already inquired with RIM and have been given generic responses.
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Re: Order canceled due to 'New RIM Stocking Policy'

Postby GM prts mgr. » Thu Jan 09, 2025 12:45 pm

I had one on order in our dms at both of my stores that were cancelled in global connect.
Either we missed the answer back or we did not get one. I believe we did not get one per another one of GM's issues.
Still shows stocking policy="Y" at one of my stores and "N" at the other.
I will check tomorrow to see if it orders or cancels.
Pretty sure GM/RIM is removing certain items that are back ordering to keep the amount of back orders shorter.
We order non RIM controlled parts daily as a CSO and the list is getting longer each week.
GM prts mgr.
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Re: Order canceled due to 'New RIM Stocking Policy'

Postby LAST8NOT4 » Thu Jan 09, 2025 6:45 pm

We've noticed that if a RIM part is on backorder and we write a credit it will cancel the back order, makes sense, cancel the orders for the dealers that now have one on hand.
Also remember to cancel backordered RIM lines after 60 days. You don't get any answerbacks or anything, the orders just disappear out PWB.
I check for shipments and backorders in PWB, before cancelling the order line.
I do this weekly, so those parts will reorder and get back in the queue.
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Re: Order canceled due to 'New RIM Stocking Policy'

Postby memorial34 » Tue Jan 14, 2025 3:40 pm

Have been experiencing the same. It seems you have to check every SINGLE order because of the risk of something cancelling out of the blue, and at any given time whether the next day or 3 months later.

**Something else I've noticed, which really gets me going, are backorders that DISAPPEAR from PWB+ after 90 days. Yes, they're 'probably' (maybe) still actually on order, but you can't see them anymore. FOOLISH.
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Re: Order canceled due to 'New RIM Stocking Policy'

Postby jaybird62 » Thu Jan 16, 2025 5:54 pm

we have a new rep that came in yesterday and i tried to exlpain this to him

i actually had one happen with no answerback.. showed him it was cancelled in global with no answerback in that date range. my thought is , if rim can build an order in my dms.. why can they not cancel that order in my system when they cancel it in global...

also.. we were talking about 6.2 motors . he told me they were working on making a new design head so the part number on both motors would just be one.. but they are struggling to get cores back to work on.. i told him on average our engine claims set in pending for almost a month, so if they would pay the claims, or do a special where we dont have to hold these cores , they would have all the cores they could handle... same thing on valve bodies.. no retention period, just let us return them...

but also.. i ahave socks older than him.. soooo
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