In-House Webmasters is an interesting concept but I have to be honest with you, it is a hard road to maintain.
We develop several types of site for our clients ranging from the template that is completely free of maintenance. (also free from hits) to the site that requires a webmaster to maintain its freshness and functionality.(a lot of hits type site). Needless to say we want the site that produces hits. The problem is the dedication that an interactive site takes.
What we consider simple tasks because of our programming efforts never seem to get done. What I mean by that is tasks like, current coupons, testimonials, holiday greetings, photo albums, featured vehicles, you name it.
We continuously see the Webmaster become the head cook and bottle washer because his job is still not considered a profit center at a dealership. He or she is a cost, they are often considered having spare time because it appears that they are not selling cars so they must costing the store to have them there. The next thing that happens is they are given assignments like keeping all of the PCs running, or watch the floor when the other sales people are gone. It does not take much of this type of treatment and the site is a month behind on up keep. That is what I mean by a hard road.
Fortunately it is not like that in all of the dealerships we work with.
Here is an example of a highly interactive site that sells a lot of cars with good grosses. The Customer Management Center, the Internet Department, and all of the other departments in the store maintain this site.
Back to your question.
I believe that the Dealer Principles will someday realize that the Webmaster is as important as the Parts Manager when it come to bringing money in house. I also believe that the third party Web Designers will always be needed to offer the latest technology to the site and to keep the focus on selling cars with it.
Mike Stinson