by horse » Wed Mar 19, 2003 3:40 pm
We use a good-bye page as a final pop-up. It averages increasing our contacts over 10% easy.
There are several good products out there but the key seems to be - giving the visitor one last chance to make contact after they click out.
Define a small store. I work with a Suzuki dealer that only has that one brand, stocks less than a 100 cars and moves a lot of cars on the net.
Since you are just starting then first be sure the basics are being covered to kick up your site traffic.
1. All dealer printed media carries the URL as big (if not bigger) than the phone number. Thats everybodies biz cards, newspaper ads, invoices, envelopes, freebies, you name it.
2. Buy a banner with just the URL on it and move it around outside where it is visible by passing trafic.
3. Talk your boss into running a billboard with only your URL.
4. Teach everyone in the store what the URL is and have them invite everyone they know to view it.
5. Get the URL on your parts truck or any other other store vehicles.
If you have all of these areas covered then the next question is how many hits are you getting to your home page? How many leads are getting from your site?
How close do the numbers match? Then find out where you are loosing them.