Just getting Started

Just getting Started

Postby Steve Bissen » Thu May 13, 1999 12:13 pm

Our dealership really want to get into the internet way of doing business. What is the best way to have our site set up ? Use a large company that has a "generic" type template or design our own with someone locally ?
Steve Bissen

Just getting Started

Postby Kevin Kavanagh » Thu May 13, 1999 2:13 pm

There are a lot of choices for setting up your web site. The main thing you want is your own! If you use a provider make sure the address is www.yourdealership.com and not theirs and then your name.

I would contact the major players, Cobalt and others, to see what they have to offer. Then I would talk to some of your local dealer freinds and ask them who they used and are they happy. I like the idea of a relationship with my web design firm since I have found for our own site that getting changes made can be time consuming and frustrating, I handle them in-house now.

Then consider what your internet strategy is. I have an article on our web site at www.gbj.com and click on the articles button, that made add some food for thought. Finally the most successful dealers I know have dedicated internet sales personnel if you intend to sell cars. Look at the buying services and pick which one's seem the most cost effective and which service best fits your needs.

If you do this make the commitment in time and money to do it right and receive the rewards!

Kevin Kavanagh

Just getting Started

Postby jimmuntz » Sun May 16, 1999 8:59 am

Steve- You asked a complicated question. How you start depends on many variables, the most important being commitment to the process and your budget.

The good news is that there are many options, from the relatively inexpensive to gold-plated very costly.

Cobalt has a basic package of web site resources that can get you in the front door. However, I think that most dealerships serious about developing a meaningful Internet selling strategy will soon graduate past these services.

Do you have a computer geek in the dealership? I am sure you do - somewhere. My advise is to develope that talent and get it channeled into your on-line efforts. And do not assume that it has to be someone with new car sales experience. The parts department is often a good place to start - they are usually the most computer literate people in the dealership. But do not ignore porters, lot boys, etc.- they often belong to the computer generation and can be of significant assistance is working through all the issues.

And while it may sound self-serving - check out the tapes offered for the AROW conference just completed in Las Vegas. Listening and learning from these tapes should bring you up to speed in no time.

One general warning- Most web site developers love to create flashy and slickly disigned sites. While you want it to look good, most Internet shoppers are simply looking for good information. It is your Internet strategy that is most important. Always stress content and customer service and play down the glitz.

Good luck!

Just getting Started

Postby Pat » Mon May 17, 1999 12:46 pm

Indeed a difficult question, by the way Kevin I am the Dealerships "geek", kinda hate the label. Anyway, there are many fantastic dealer web sites out there, finding them in a search engine and checking out the format may help. Also make a commitment to keep it up if you host your own. Looks bad when you find a dealer site that has been abandoned.


Just getting Started

Postby jimmuntz » Mon May 17, 1999 3:13 pm


Sorry about the "geek" comment, but it was meant in the most positive way. By the way, it wasn't Kevin that applied the insensitive label on what is becoming a very important dealership skill. Appologies to you both.

Jim Muntz

Just getting Started

Postby Pat » Mon May 24, 1999 3:56 pm


Thanks for the apology. You are right though, it is an increasingly important skill to have at a Dealership. I have heard that Diamler Chrysler is planning to implement a required position at each of the franchise Dealerships calling for a tech savy individual to manage the information systems.



Just getting Started

Postby Ed Slingsby » Mon May 24, 1999 8:04 pm


A place to see a number of Automotive Dealers at one site is www.Dealerlocator.com. It is the site of the Chicago Automobile Dealers
Association. Most of these sites were created by a company called World Wide Wheels (www.wwwheels.com). I may be a little prejudiced because I am a principle at wwwheels. The dealers who are the most successful keep thier inventory up-to-date, have a searchable listing of their used vehicles with prices and pictures, and email contacts promptly. I agree with Kevin that you have to have your own URL (www.yourdealership.com) and have to advertise it everywhere (Print ads, business cards, Radio,Billboards, in store signage and on-hold messages). Be sure that the provider you choose has the ability to download your inventory to the major car buying and search engines (so you only have to check and input data once). Do not over pay for a website. We charge a minimal fee (a one-time fee of $200) to build a custom site that handles everything you need to do business on the internet. We charge $300/MO
to host your site, make any changes you need,put you inventory on Yahoo,Excite HotBot,Trader online, and provide you with statistics on your websites' use. I don't want this to become a commercial so email me and I'll be happy to tell you more.
Ed Slingsby

Just getting Started

Postby Dave Spring » Wed May 26, 1999 3:59 pm

Regardless of who designs your site, there are a number of items it must do. It must be a fast loader, it must get your point across quickly, it must be easy to navigate and should include your entire inventory w/pictures.

Also during the design phase keep in mind how it will be updated, who will update it and how much time it will take.

The most important thing you must do is to keep this site accurate.

Dave Spring

Just getting Started

Postby Steve Bissen » Wed May 26, 1999 4:53 pm

I appreciate all the good ideas and suggestions from everyone. Please stop our site "midwesttoyota.com" it is stall a work in progress and not all photos are on yet.

I know I just missed the conference in Las Vegas, but does anyone know about any other live seminars that would be worthwhile attending. Thank You !!
Steve Bissen

Just getting Started

Postby jimmuntz » Thu May 27, 1999 10:58 am

Hi Steve-

Since you asked- The Auto Retailing on the Web Conference will be repeated October 11, 12 and 13 in Orlando FL. Watch the home page of this site for registration details in about 30 days.

Jim Muntz


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