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2 Web Sites for the Internet Department

PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2000 11:43 pm
by eman
I am considering setting up a second web site for the Internet department. The additional site will be a BUYERS ONLY SITE! 1 2 3 your done when can you pick it up?

Most dealer sites I see seem to be info only sites if that and I want to generate better quality leads.

What are everyone's thought on this, and is anyone doing this?



2 Web Sites for the Internet Department

PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2000 10:16 am
by BBingham
A second site is a great idea. Now, you need to take it further. Depending upon your franchises, allocation, etc., create a direct buying site that is not dealership affiliated.

A good example of this is or

Don't limit yourself to just sales. Service and vallet maintenance services(luxury franchises) benefit from their own site. Special finance or an in-house lease company are great site "companies" as well.

It will only work well if supported properly. Dedicated phone lines to be answered with the appropriate site name, the proper sales process, and other items.

You're on the right track. Good luck.

Bruce Bingham

[This message has been edited by BBingham (edited 08-13-2000).]