eCommerce Training

eCommerce Training

Postby Rrikess » Fri Aug 22, 2003 2:32 pm

I have been studying on-line learning and instructor-led training (ILT). All of my results show that when an employee participates in a Web-based training (WBT) program and a ILT class they retain more and are able to use those skills that they have learned to do there job more effectively and more importantly more profitably.
If anybody has similar findings and would like to discuss this topic, and what specific classes I have been taking, please let me know.

eCommerce Training

Postby dcreamer » Sun Aug 24, 2003 10:21 pm

Are you saying, everyone learns better via web based distance learning then with any other modality of learning? It seems to me that it is definitely a viable alternative to classroom or seminar training for some if not most, but not for all. In my experience most people learn best when multiple modalities are incorporated in the process.

eCommerce Training

Postby jazdale » Tue Aug 26, 2003 5:05 pm

I agree with Rrikess 100%

Over the years, my primary responsibilities have been training or selling presentations.

I notice a significant increase in attention and retention. Heres some of the reasons why.

1. Going offsite to a training center = getting an expense account = a free bender on the boss's dime.
Next day = tired = hungover = wishing you were back home.

2. Most offsite classes are concentrated for many hours if not days. When your butt is sore, your brain stops.
- online courses usually last about an hour per module.

3. The time spent going home has a diminishing effect in trying out your new concepts.
When you sign-off of the website, you're ready to try your new tricks immediately.

4. On-line classes will keep you focused on the content - not the speaker.
His fly is open, she has a crooked looking face, his shoe is untied, ect.
Also, private conversations in the group = I'm not hearing anything the speaker is saying.

5. By not being in a class, you're not embarassed to ask the 'dumb' questions

6. Think of the frequency your techs and other personnel attend the satellite classes.
How many classes would they attend if they had to pack up and drive/fly for these classes.

Theres always something better to do than take a training class - but training is what makes us better at what we do.


After saying this, I must admit that the sword swings both ways.

1, The employee that believes - Since I'm in my office, I'll just get some paperwork done and keep half-an-ear on the web-training

2. A bad speaker is a bad speaker. the uhms will kill your message regardless of the format used.

3. The most difficult thing I had to learn was speaking to a group with inflection in my voice.
Its pretty hard to speak to 'nobody' in a phone and not become monotone and sound uninterested.
The absence of visual feedback does take some getting used to.

The technology exists and the format works. I wish more people would grasp the saving of time and money behind doing this.


eCommerce Training

Postby Rrikess » Thu Aug 28, 2003 12:53 pm

Dcreamer, I think we are on the same page? I am absolutely recommending a blended learning approach. That is what my studies have revealed. An employee who takes a WBT class and backs it up with an Instructor-led training has a far better chance to retain and use the knowledge that they received from the courses. With ILT alone, the retention level is low. The other benefits to WBT are that there are thousands of courses available for one to take, including and probably some of the most important courses for dealership management: Wrongful Termination - Understanding and avoiding, Illegal Workplace Harassment - Recognizing and preventing, Sexual Harassment - Recognizing and preventing. With our litigious society, whatever a dealership can do to protect themselves, the better. If a GM can take a 45-minute course to help prevent a million dollar lawsuit, how beneficial was that 45-minute course?

Richard Rikess

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