RPX - Excel data transfer

RPX - Excel data transfer

Postby drapp » Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:34 pm

Something on my PC changed over the weekend. The RPX function no longer functions. It errors out. ADP has "dialed" in twice today but can not find the issue.

Enhanced report generator does work but the resulting excel file is very difficult to open if I can open it at all.

Running windows 7 and office 10. Had absolutely no problems until today. Prior to today I had ran dozens of RPX functions without a problem.

Any suggestions.

RPX - Excel data transfer

Postby 69mach1 » Fri Dec 17, 2010 11:47 am

you been a member of this Forum for sometime now like myself, you know when you use the word Enhance or Enhanced that it does not work..... have a great Holiday

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