MGR to RPX (export)

MGR to RPX (export)

Postby robc » Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:25 am

For some reason I cannot recall how to output the MGR report to Excel or text. I have been using enhanced RPX for too long already that old reflections stuff is leaving my brain

MGR to RPX (export)

Postby jazdale » Mon Aug 17, 2009 12:00 pm

You'll need to scrape the screen and copy/paste into excel.

1. Using reflections or websuite DMS connection, choose the option to make the video 132 wide (magnifying glass icon with reflections or the word 'toggle' on websuite)

2. Run the report(s) on screen.
Highlight the detail and right-click copy

3. Open Excel and at cell A1, right click paste

4. Use toolbar item DATA then TEXT-TO-COLUMN
Adjust the vertical parse breaks as necessary.

MGR to RPX (export)

Postby drapp » Mon Aug 17, 2009 12:24 pm

If ADP does read this forum, this thread touches on a wonderful opportunity for enhancement.

Why can't MGR reports, or any other "canned" report be sent to excel?

This single change would be so helpful.

MGR to RPX (export)

Postby robc » Mon Aug 17, 2009 12:30 pm

thank you ... no wonder I don't recall how it was done. What a pain ... I guess I didn't want the detailed MGR report afterall

MGR to RPX (export)

Postby jazdale » Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:11 pm

Not sure which element(s) of the MGR you're trying to capture, but there is a report in websuite that highlights dollar & count of each special status, MNS values, MNR values, and no bin/cost exceptions. Each of these items have a drill down into the part detail which makes it pretty handy.

The Drive platform takes several reports from all departments, and puts them in the new grid format. Unfortunately, MGR is not one of them on this release.
Many of the reports that do allow excel exporting, require running in the new windows, not the old green screen look.
When the detail displays, a right click will expose the 'export to excel' choice.

The scrape/copy/paste is not that difficult. The first one may be excruciating because you're learning advanced techniques of Excel, but after that, it should be a quick process.

MGR to RPX (export)

Postby robc » Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:52 pm

Yes the scrape wasn't the worst thing in the world to at least be able to grab and carry the data.

I am actually play with MNS/MNR and so of the forced inventory issues with the store. They have a ton of NS stuff all over and I am trying to find out if it is all SO (seems to be).

In websuite I don't see any quick reports for MNR ... I normally do an English statement or RPG and then use enhanced RPX. Where are the canned MNR reports for websuite?

MGR to RPX (export)

Postby jazdale » Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:52 pm

The new MNR report,

From the desktop (screen with the menu tree), find the horizontal toolbar with the word 'reports', then inside that, choose 'inventory'

It will produce the report mentioned earlier with drill down and export capability.

The red check mark icon will allow you to change the report to only display certain sources.

MGR to RPX (export)

Postby gmcgrew » Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:47 pm

Rob if you are working with a GM store on RIM the stocking status will be skewed and parts that met stocking criteria may be NS now.

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