by AREV » Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:58 pm
Owners clinics, Hi i have done over 150, over the last 10 years. Here is my top TEN.
#1- First and most important- Who will lead this effort, this individual,must be a big picture long range person.
#2-Owners clinics are about 3 primary things-
a.T=Thank the customer for their current and future business.
b.I=Inform the customer about their vehicle,your store, and the future.
c.R-Retain the customer,this is the first step.
#3.INVITE, Invite everybody you sell,or anyone showing interest.
a.Use a script,call 1 week before event,call ones who agree,1 day prior to confirm,a
50% turnout is easily done, I'VE DONE IT!
4.Frequency,at least 5 time a year,11 times a year is better
a.December is tough, take the month off,if you go less than 5 times, no habit is developed.
b.Frequncy may be dicatated in part to your facility,how many can you seat?
c.Don't hold a clinic in the service drive in August,Service drives aren't built for acoustics.
5.Topics,pick 4 or 5 things to talk about-have a handout illustrating the topics you covered. should finish the entire clinic in 75 minutes, 90 minutes tops.
b.rotate your speakers,10 minutes each.
6.Door Prizes,parts will be happy to supply these,things with your name or brand are great,a prize to open the clinic, after each speaker and at the close.
a.Applaud when a customer wins, THIS IS A PARTY!
7.Invite the factory folks, they will be glad,it adds another dimension to the customer, and makes you look good.
8.FOOD- you don't have to spend a fortune!
a. Customers expect a hot meal at dinnertime,Canned drinks are fine, i have used LITTLE DEBBIE Snackcakes for years with no leftovers.
b.If you do have leftovers encourage the customers to take it home, whats wrong with YOUR customer eating day old chicken fried steak
you bought for them.
9. Thats it, I have managed clinics over a decade,and i still like it-and by the way the INVITES, I do them all by myself, if you want to chat
my PHONE # is 1-501-945-4444 ext.3190 B.Grissom
10. DON'T FORGET TO HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!