eMenus for Import Lines?

eMenus for Import Lines?

Postby Jon » Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:09 pm

We're looking at eMenu providers and I'm wondering if anyone can share their experience, good or bad. We have Nissan, Kia & Mitsubishi and it is way too involved to create printed menus, too many variances (Kia has different recommendations for many models in the same year due to engine size & timing belt change intervals).
Any information greatly appreciated. If you are uncomfortable naming the company in the forum, please describe your experience and give me a way to contact you via email or phone for follow up.
Thanks in advance for any and all assistance.

eMenus for Import Lines?

Postby Whiner » Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:51 pm

I didn't even know such a service was available. There are companies that have manufacturer recommended maintenance for all makes and models in a menu format?

Sweet - I would like to hear more. Will watch this thread.

I guess I live a sheltered life after all.

eMenus for Import Lines?

Postby Jon » Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:14 pm

Here's hoping someone who has ventured into this will respond, I hope others benefit as well.


eMenus for Import Lines?

Postby Jon » Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:06 am

We ended up going with the offering from oeconnection. It is web-based and customizable, they currently cover all makes other than exotics and a few other low volume manufacturers. Our basic setups are done, we are doing advisor training this PM and will be using it by tomorrow.

I will update again once I have anything more to add.


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