I already know the answer.
See how well you understand Warranty:
A vehicle comes in with the ABS light on.
According to VISS...The vehicle is a 2007 Chevy Colorado with 50177 miles.
The in-service date is August 8, 2007. The RO/Job Card was written on Feb 1, 2012. VISS shows no history of any warranty claims.
The Technician diagnoses the vehicle as needing a L/F Wheel Speed Sensor and Hub because of the C0035 DTC.
Is the replacement of either or both parts covered under any warranty?
If you believe so... explain the warranty coverage.
There are 2 possible Lab Ops that could be used if warrantable. Should you use one or both? Explain why.
What Lab OP/OPS should be used for this claim?
What is the TOTAL labor amount TIME, that could be claimed for this complaint if warrantable, without using more than .3 Diagnostic time OR .3 OLH. Explain your justification for the TOTAL labor amount, whether you used one or two Lab Ops.
Feel free to take a shot at the answers if you care to.
I will post the correct answers on Valentine's Day.

I have worked for GM dealers for 40+ years. I am a glutton for punishment.
[This message has been edited by 40+ (edited 02-04-2012).]