Welcome to the ADP ARG Forum

Welcome to the ADP ARG Forum

Postby Matt Parsons » Wed Jun 30, 2004 8:07 am

For those of you have been frequent visitors to the EDS ARG Forum, well, hopefully this looks and feels comfortable as it is the same as it was in the past. For those that are surprised to see the ADP name and had not posted on this Forum, welcome.

We have changed the Forum name to properly reflect the acquisition of the EDS Automotive Retail Group by ADP. Our business unit continues to operate pretty much intact within ADP and we continue to serve our client base with the products and service offerings that EDS had in the marketplace.

Please feel free to post questions, ideas, or concerns to this Forum regarding the Automotive Retail Group as I will continue to be a Moderator as well as many of our clients monitor this track.

Matt Parsons

Welcome to the ADP ARG Forum

Postby jazdale » Thu Jul 01, 2004 11:45 pm

I'm very impressed by your ability to seek an answer and take the time to keep this forum near-realtime. Not only as my former competitor, but also as my present day co-worker. Thanks and welcome aboard !!

I have to admit that I am not a daily user of this page - but you seem to keep this page running 24-7 with your quick replies.



Welcome to the ADP ARG Forum

Postby Matt Parsons » Fri Jul 02, 2004 8:58 am

Thanks Dale.

I am supporter of using as many different formats as possible to communicate with the industry and our clients. Although this forum doesn't receive a ton of postings, there are dedicated indivduals who find this approach to be very useful, so we try and be as timely as possible.

With that said, I am on vacation over the next few days and then out on business in Phoenix for almost a week so I amy be a bit delayed in responding.

Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe 4th.
Matt Parsons

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