Tekion DMS Review - Multi-Company

Tekion DMS Review - Multi-Company

Postby imacdude » Fri Apr 09, 2021 4:47 pm

We will be reviewing the Tekion DMS throughout this year.

One of the many reasons that we are still on CDK is that they are the only DMS that handles TRUE-Multi-Company, and multi-tiered accounting, including shared customer, vehicle, history, files. Perfect? No, but others just can't do it.

Are there any of the Forum Members on Tekion that could speak to whether they can handle multiple, multi-company environments? AR? AP? etc.. We have 10 accounting markets, 90 stores, and 25 collision centers.

Any help would be appreciated.
John Belen
Applications Manager
Asbury Automotive Group

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Re: Tekion DMS Review - Multi-Company

Postby Widowmaker2011 » Thu Apr 14, 2022 12:34 pm

We are also looking for this answer, amongst other questions. Any feedback would be extremely appreciated.
Brad Coon
Basil Family Dealerships
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Re: Tekion DMS Review - Multi-Company

Postby Hpy4Me » Sun May 22, 2022 7:10 pm

imacdude wrote:We will be reviewing the Tekion DMS throughout this year.

One of the many reasons that we are still on CDK is that they are the only DMS that handles TRUE-Multi-Company, and multi-tiered accounting, including shared customer, vehicle, history, files. Perfect? No, but others just can't do it.

Are there any of the Forum Members on Tekion that could speak to whether they can handle multiple, multi-company environments? AR? AP? etc.. We have 10 accounting markets, 90 stores, and 25 collision centers.

Any help would be appreciated.

We have Tekion and we at this point only have 4 stores but looking to have 40 nationwide. Our company picked Tekion for its ability to handle multiple dealerships. I can’t speak for our accountant or accounting people but for me as a GM of one of the stores I can speak a lot about Tekion. I have now come to say during my work day “ I love Tekion” instead of saying lots of really bad things about it every time it does not work. This happens all day every day. I feel like once they get your setup money you become the red headed step child. Tekion will do some update and boom my taxes are wrong. I fix it. The next day they are wrong again. It’s supposed to integrate with RouteOne, Dealertrack, credit card processing, book outs, vauto, e contracting, Ally products, social media, text messing to customers, emailing to customers….none of this works. So for this service I get to pay Tekion 6,000.00 a month for just my store. I would rather go back to Frazier and pay 80.00 a month since Tekion really does not do anything for me.
Hope this helps and I hope Tekion reads this and actually DOES SOMETHING.
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Re: Tekion DMS Review - Multi-Company

Postby camaroman » Wed Feb 08, 2023 8:20 pm

Just curious if Hpy4Me is happy or not from that message. I know we are on Tekion since July and it has been very challenging to say the least. Especially from the parts side.
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Re: Tekion DMS Review - Multi-Company

Postby libertea » Tue Oct 29, 2024 12:48 am

I think tekion looks good on paper but seems to fall short for bigger operations. We only have 2 stores and still struggle, can't imagine managing 90+ locations with these issues.
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